New album ‘IMAGES’
On this new album, the guitarist, who until now was best known for his gipsy jazz style, takes a new path with his own compositions and arrangements. Apart from Voet, the quartet is made up of musicians also known in jazz: Jelle van Tongeren (violin), Mischa Kool (double bass), and Harold Berghuis (rhythm guitar).
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Reinier Voet Quartet

Reinier Voet and Jan Brouwer ‘Our Gypsy Rhapsody’
The first cd I produced with Jan Brouwer. Four tracks with violinist and singer George Washingmachine. Our bassplayer is Simon Planting. Also some guitar duo tunes. Recorded at home with my vintage Roland ‘portastudio’.

Reinier Voet and Jan Brouwer ‘Bric à brac’
This is the second cd by Pigalle44. Again Simon Planting on doublebass. Accordion player Gert Wantenaar plays as a guest on five tunes. Both with Simon and with Gert I play duet (I am happy with, by the way).

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘Swing 4 bop’
The third cd! This is almost a ‘quartet-cd’. Accordion player Gert Wantenaar plays on ten tunes. Some trio tunes and a succesful (for me anyway…) multitrack recording with myself and the support of Nick McGuire on the bass.

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘Mistral’
The fourth CD of Pigall44: Mistral. With a lot of French Chansons Jazz and Manouche repertoire. Titles written by Sarane Ferret, Henri Crolla, Babik Reinhardt, Joseph Reinhardt and others. Special guests are Rob Stoop on accordion and Olaf Hoeks on tenor sax. We play in trio, quartet and even quintet formation.

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘Best of … Gypsy Swing from Holland’
2004, Djaz Records DJ 557-2 – Paris/France
About in the same period of the release of Swing for Bop this one was released by Patrick Saussois’ DJAZRECORDS in Paris, France. It is a ‘best of…’-compilation of the first two cd’s with four bonus tracks, amongst them ‘Douce Ambiance’ and a new ‘Valse pour Häns’che’ in trio line up.

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘Dream Dancing’
with George Washingmachine on violin
During his tours through Europe we did for a couple of years some gigs together. Ánd we made some recordings. This is a compilation of those sessions. With Jan Brouwer on rhythm guitar and Simon Planting on double bass.

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44
A compilation of Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 titles, with extra titles with harmonica player Hermine Deurloo, recorded for a tour in Indonesia.

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘My Room’
Featuring Jelle van Tongeren on violin
In honour of my first Django guitar, a DiMauro Jazz 2 from 1979, I played that beauty on this cd, and it sounded nice!

Reinier Voet & Pigalle44 – ‘Ballade pour la Nuit’
Featuring Karin van Kooten on violin
Live recorded in Studio 2, Hilversum. The studio where Django Reinhardt had a radio broadcast with the Ramblers. Jan Brouwer and I did the production for the CD. The label Sound Liaison sells the high res files. Worth having a listen to that! http://www.soundliaison.com

Jimmy Rosenberg ‘Portrait of…’
The first three tracks I play the rhythm guitar. They were recorded at violist Hady Mouallem’s studio with Simon Planting on the bass. This was the current group of Jimmy at that time. We did a lot of theatres in Holland and tour in England.

Fapy Lafertin: ‘Star Eyes’
I play the rhythmguitar together with my oldest collegue in gypsyjazz-land Henk de Geus. On bass again Simon Planting and Tim Kliphuis plays the violin.

Fapy Lafertin: ‘Fleur d’Ennui’
Jan Brouwer replaces Henk de Geus on rhythm guitar. Also some nice Brazilian ‘choros’ are recorded with Fapy on the ‘guitarra portuguesa’. You hear me playing some backing / second voice guitarlines.

Fapy Lafertin: ‘Fine and Dandy’
Same line up as above. Only swingtunes this time except for ‘Tango for Django’ and a musette waltz. The cd was released at the French label Iris Music.

Jelle van Tongeren Group: ‘Earbeat’
I play as a guest on two tracks ‘Four Brothers’ and ‘Minor Steps’.

Csokolom: ‘Luda Luda’
I play on two tracks with this Balkan orientated gypsy group. Leader of the band is Anti von Klewitz, on violin and vocals. A wonderful musician, an honour to play with. On bratch Sander Hoving.

Dick van der Harst: ‘Wat vroeger was is nu voorbij’
Kind of ‘modern-classical-world music’-coloured pieces composed by Dick (with a variety of instruments) that are used for music-theatre spectacles (HetMuziekLOD) I used to play in and toured through Belgium with. Amongst them the musicians Tcha Limberger as well as my old friend Lysander le Coultre (R.I.P.) on cello!

Dick van der Harst ‘Als we maar gezond zijn…’
A compilation of Belgium artists. On two tracks I play with the group of Dick van der Harst and singer Nanette Currie ‘Piceni’. They were recorded in Gent, Belgium.

Django Festival – HCR vol. 3
2004, Hot Club Records
The opening tune of this compilation is Joseph Reinhardt’s tune ‘Bric a Brac’, also the title of Pigalle44’s second cd.

Django Festival – HCR vol. 4
2006, Hot Club Records, Norway
From the CD Swing for Bop the title tune ‘Swing for Bop’ (comp. Reinier Voet)

Jazz Manouche Vol. 2
Compilation by Wagram
With Reinier Voet & Pigalle44: ‘Swing for Bop’ (comp. Reinier Voet)

Jazz Manouche Vol. 4
Compilation selected by Sanseverino – label Wagram
With Reinier Voet & Pigalle44: ‘New York City’ in an arrangment by tenorsax player Olaf Hoeks and Reinier Voet

Jazz Manouche Vol. 2
Compilation by Wagram
Superb playing by Jimmy Rosenberg! Hady Mouallem on violin, together with Simon Planting on double bass and me on rhythm guitar.

Gypsy Swing
Compilation of Gypsy Swing by label Wagram
Including one of the earliest compositions of Reinier: ‘Les Cravates’, played by Reinier Voet & Pigalle44

Marcel Salomon, ‘Klezmer in Swing’ Vol. 1
Absolute fun to record this jazzy swing klezmer CD. Very good fellow musicians, amongst them bandoneon player Dick van der Harst and also Adrie Braat, the regular bassplayer of the Dutch Swing College Band. Good tunes, traditionals as well as compositions of Marcel Salomon, the great klezmer clarinettist.

Marcel Salmon, ‘Klezmer in Swing’ Vol. 2
Same fun as the first one! One of the most tasteful pianists Joop van Deuren replaced the bandoneon.

Yvonne Weijers – De zon komt op
Singer Yvonne Weijers with a beautiful project: (pop-)songs translated into/rewritten to Dutch by Marten Janse. The arrangments are written by pianist Cajan Witmer. Han Slinger on double bass, Jonas Linnemann on drums, and me on acoustic and electric jazz guitar.

Lenny Kuhr – Gekust door de Eeuwigheid – 2017
The first CD that I recorded with Lenny Kuhr. On acoustic bassguitar Mischa Kool. Recorded in Studio Le Roy, with the great Mikel Le Roy as recording engineer.

Lenny Kuhr – Het lied gaat door
The second CD with Lenny Kuhr. Again with Mischa Kool on acoustic bass guitar. As the first one, with Mikel Le Roy engineering.

Django Festival – Gypsy Swing today
Compilation by Jon Larsen’s Hot Club Records, with a duet Hady Mouallem on violin and myself: ‘I can’t give you anything but love’, and with the Cravat Quartet: ‘Yesterdays’

Dorine Niezing – Anmut
A CD with beautiful songs written by Hanss Eisler and Bertold Brecht and others. It breaths the special athmosphere of prewar Berlin… Reinier accompanies Dorine on two tunes.